There are many tangata whenua who use soils, silts and clays in their art practices today.
Below are the profiles of a few who are experimenting, developing and pushing the ways we connect and express ourselves with whenua.

Alix Ashworth

Lanae Cable

Ayesha Green

Ross Hemera
Nikau Hindin

Sarah Hudson

Ana Iti

Kahu Kutia

Nathan Pohio

Sian Montgomery-Neutz

Moewai Marsh

Te Ara Minhinnick

Symphony Morunga
Hana Pera Aoake

Bridget Reweti

Maraea Timutimu

Ashleigh Taupaki

Ati Teepa

Piupiu Maya Turei

Raukura Turei

Renati Waaka

Kezia-Joy Whakamoe

Cora-Allan Wickliffe

Tessa Williams

Georgina May Young
Whakapā mai.
If you are a Māori artist who uses whenua in your mahi, we’d love to hear from you. We’re trying to promote and extend our understanding of the diverse ways tangata whenua work with whenua as a way to communicate through visual arts.