Historical Contexts
Kauae Raro Research Collective encourages Māori to reconnect to te taiao through sharing mātauranga.
Our tūpuna lived with the knowledge, understanding and skills to enact kaitiakitanga in an active, life-long way. Below are a series of articles exploring the historical and cultural contexts of Māori earth pigments and how belonging to the land is embedded in us as tāngata whenua.

Louise Furey – Use of Kōkōwai

Looking at the kōrero about pukepoto

Whenua is embeded in Māori material culture

Early Accounts of Māori makeup
Nga toi ana: Maori rock art

Honouring the Mana of our Tamariki

Ngā moteatea horu

Tapu, noa, kokowai and the everyday

Whenua as adornment in kapa haka

Ki te ao marama: introduction to colour theory a tirohanga Māori

In a teaspoon of dirt, a whole world

Bronte Perry: he oneone ahau

Restoring the future pigments in cultural heritage