O Nāianei
Contemporary Māori Art
The ability of Kauae Raro to commission new work by Māori earth pigment practitioners has been generously supported by Creative New Zealand (2020-22) and Manatū Taonga (2022-24).
Each of the earth-based projects below gives an insight into the diverse ways we can creatively engage with the whenua as tangata whenua. They represent a small part of our land-loving creative community, and we appreciate everyone who is out there developing their skills with earth under their fingernails.

Ngā Kaitiaki o Mohua - Jessa Strachan

Te Hā o Hineahuone - Tara-Lee Manu

Connecting to ngā atua: new works by Māori Mermaid

E hoki ki to ūkaipō - Kahu Kutia

Where Water and Uku Meet

Listen: Hīkoi

Tuhi Mareikura

Matawhenua – whenua as personal adornment

Soundscape: I will live and die a thousand times

Bridget Reweti – Whenua coloured photographs

Moewai Marsh – Tauraka Toi

Tessa Williams - Movements in our blood

Kauae Raro at the 2021 Pigments Revealed Symposium

Mana Whenua in exhibition at wormhole

Takahi Ngahere with piupiu and moewai

Whakapapa and artmaking: Dr Areta

Kezia Whakamoe – in her own words

Interview with Cora-Allan Wickliffe